So profitieren Hochschulen vom Schweizer Forschungsportal

Sustainability showcase

All content (projects, people, events) created by your university can be displayed in a customized way. The filtered content provides an up-to-date overview on sustainability research at your university, and thus also serves as a showcase for the university’s activities on this topic.

More publicity, better attended events

Advertised events benefit from greater publicity and are better attended, due to the wider audience reach.

Active networking

The platform provides researchers with optimal access to other researchers in the sustainable development field – within individual universities as well as across Switzerland. This creates active impulses for networking, exchange, and interdisciplinary cooperation, opening the door to new project partners and new types of cooperation. In addition, job opportunities are posted on the platform, giving young researchers the chance to prove themselves in practice.

Sustainable savings

The individual universities benefit from the professional IT and maintenance services provided by the platform, and do not need to invest in these themselves.

Increased visibility

The national and international reach of the platform means that the projects developed at your university gain greater visibility, thus also promoting cooperation with non-research organizations. For example, for possible cooperation with, or transfer into, practice.

Awareness and public relations

The platform is public and thus also open to all third parties interested in sustainability issues. Organizations, companies, students, schools, and private individuals can obtain information on the latest sustainability research and open access to qualified knowledge on sustainability.