Swiss Platform for Sustainable Development Research

enough. for all. forever.


Swiss Platform for Sustainable Development Research: is a network hub for knowledge on sustainable development. It connects people, projects, events, and organizations from the world of research for sustainable development – in Switzerland and beyond.


swiss-sdr app


Explore the new app. An exciting world of research for sustainable development awaits you!


What people are saying about

Das ist ein erstes Statement zum neuen swiss-sdr Forschungsportal für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Es erzählt von ersten Erlebnissen mit den Inhalten und den Funktionen der neuen Plattform.
— peter hirschi, UNI Genf
Das ist ein zweites Statement zum neuen swiss-sdr Forschungsportal für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Es erzählt von ersten Erlebnissen mit den Inhalten und den Funktionen der neuen Plattform. Und hebt einen Aspekt heraus, der den schreibe besonders überzeugt oder positiv überrascht hat.
— Therese Stettler, ETH Zürich
Das ist ein drittes Statement zum neuen swiss-sdr Forschungsportal für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Es erzählt von ersten Erlebnissen mit den Inhalten und den Funktionen der neuen Plattform.
— Kurt Blatter, UNI Bern
Das ist ein viertes Statement zum neuen swiss-sdr Forschungsportal für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Es erzählt von ersten Erlebnissen mit den Inhalten und den Funktionen der neuen Plattform. Und hebt einen Aspekt heraus, der den schreibe besonders überzeugt oder positiv überrascht hat.
— Sabrina Krebser, UNI Fribourg

Added value for researchers

swiss-sdr invites all researchers in Switzerland in the field of sustainable development to present their projects and research activities on this public platform, to further international understanding on the topic.

Creating Swiss research networks

The new platform creates networks between and within the different universities and research institutes, offering interactive exchange opportunities among researchers. By gathering all sustainability-related projects in one place and thus significantly increasing their visibility, the platform provides a valuable service.

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Transformation and transformative research

The swiss-sdr platform aims to promote sustainable development through research in this field.

The platform is based on current concepts of a social transformation for sustainable development as presented by the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU).

A distinction must be made between transformation research and transformative research:

In its scientific projects transformation research must explicitly establish a connection to the public discourse by involving society, the economy, and politics – and their concepts and decision-makers. The platform encourages exchanges between researchers, the interested public, and the relevant institutions.

There is also a need for transformative research, i.e. changes in science and in the scientific culture, enabling researchers to build the competence to actively contribute to social transformation. The platform is therefore also intended to support the establishment of recognized transformative research.


Starting point and objectives

Research for sustainable development is conducted on diverse topics, at different locations, and in various faculties. Systematic networking is currently often only partial and inadequate. This means that information on projects, people, events, organizations, and knowledge from the world of sustainable development research is mostly neither comprehensive nor clearly compiled, user-friendly, or cross-linked.


The new platform is set to change all this, improving the coordination of current sustainability-related research using state-of-the-art online technology.